Does my child need occupational therapy?

If you feel occupational therapy is a service that would benefit your child, reach out to Dreamcatchers to address your concerns with the therapist. Once your concerns are addressed, the therapist will let you know if she recommends and eval and the office staff will talk you through the process. 


What happen during a typical therapy session?

Each child will have an individualized plan that is specific to the areas identified at evaluation. Some common interventions include:


·  Modified activities designed to challenge each child while remaining fun and enhancing a sense of accomplishment and self-esteem

  • Fine motor and cognitive activities to address and improve ,everyday function,  fine motor skills, visual perceptual, visual motor and ocular motor skills
  • Multi-step movement tasks to improve sequencing and memory, as well as motor skills and upper extremity coordination.
  • Developmental activities to encourage strengthening of trunk, large muscle groups, and often hands and fingers as well
  • Fun, internally motivated movement activities
  • Practice with self-care &/or self-feeding skills, incorporated naturally into sessions, if needed

Are there things I can do with my child at home to help with improving skills?

Yes, as your child become comfortable and familiar with the activities during session, the therapist recommends these and additional exercises / activities that can be done at home to support your child’s progress. Therapy and home involvement and consistency contributes to success!

My child already receives therapy at school. Can I get more?

Definitely! Therapy can be provided to your child outside of  their academic plan. Therapists will work to help support any treatment your child is receiving through the school to provide a strong continuity of care. 

Where do we go for therapy?

Dreamcatchers is located in Humble, Tx with a second location in Lafayette, La.  We also offer home health and treatments within academic settings. 


Do you accept major credit cards?

Yes, we accept major credit cards